In today’s fast-paced business environment, streamlining your operations keeps you competitive. One way to achieve this is by outsourcing your warehouse management to a third-party logistics provider (3PL). This process, known as contract logistics, involves a 3PL provider managing a customer’s inventory, order fulfillment, and returns management.
In 1972, an ambitious project was proposed in South Florida to create an artificial reef just offshore of the Florida coast that would make use of an onshore nuisance: used tires. The project, called the Osborne Reef, was highly publicized and widely endorsed by environmental groups as being opportunistic for the development of artificial habitation for marine life.
To counter the financial burden of this impact and rather than find ways to bolster subscriptions, Netflix is seeking to energize its brand with a completely new and uncharacteristic offering close to the promo industry.
The idea of cold calling, a technique adapted from door-to-door offerings of the early 1900s, has been a staple in the traditional sales process. But like the door-to-door predecessor, time changes the approach.
As hand sanitiser demand and production continues to increase, it’s important to stay mindful of the products entering our market.
When Katie Taft approached the conclusion of her Senior year in college, many opportunities awaited her after graduation. Like many recent college graduates, she had a knowledge base, a drive, and sought out to define her unique career path.
While economists have assumed that business spending won’t increase past early 2020 levels until at least next year, the renewed consumer optimism should help drive business confidence.
Sales tax compliance strategies have become more aggressive. Most business owners and operators are probably familiar with tax compliance as it pertains to physical nexus. But economic nexus requires businesses operating out of one state to comply with certain laws.
Like other forms of buying, B2B buying has shifted to be predominantly digital. Learn more on the balance between in-person and digital, and nd out what to expect for B2B buying going forward.